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2025 Reading List
Currently Reading
Completed (8/35)
- Rhythm of War - Brandon Sanderson
- The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
- Wind and Truth - Brandon Sanderson
- Clarkesworld 219 - Various Authors
- Clarkesworld 220 - Various Authors
- Mistborn: The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson
- Clarkesworld 221 - Various Authors
- A Prayer for the Crown Shy - Becky Chambers
Interested in
- This All Come Back Now - Various Authors
- Game Engine Black Book DOOM - Sanglard, Fabian
- Kipuka Blues - Lucas, Michael Warren
- Naming Nature: The Clash Between Instinct and Science - Yoon, Carol Kaesuk
- Space Rogue: How the Hackers Known As L0pht Changed the World - Thomas, Cris
- The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses - Schell, Jesse
- Game Feel: A Game Designer's Guide to Virtual Sensation - Swink, Steve
- The Infinite Playground - De Koven, Bernard
- Game Programming Patterns - Nystrom, Robert
- The Animator's Survival Kit - Williams, Richard
- Game Engine Architecture - Gregory, Jason
- Entangled Life - Sheldrake, Merlin
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools - Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey Ullman
- Design It! From Programmer to Software Architect - Michael Keeling
- Refactoring - Martin Fowler
- The Pragmatic Programmer - Andrew Hunt & David Thomas
- Local - Alastair Humphreys